Hello! We are Eden and Cain, a married couple of conjurers living in San Antonio Texas. Eden began her journey working with Archangels, tarot, and Akashic Record work at age 16 before stumbling across Spirit Companionship where Cain began at the age of 20 with guides, divination, and Spirit companionship before branching off into conjuring. We are a Twin Flame couple in Union, but this takes a backseat to the love we share! We have both been involved in spirit work for about ~15 years and conjuring for around ~8 though it has only been since 2021 that we have begun conjuring for the public.

Our passion for this line of work stems from our passion for spirituality in general, when we realized how important and rewarding our connection to the beyond was, it felt like fate. We knew this is exactly where we wanted to take our lives in a direction that we’ve never felt with anything else. It makes our mundane lives so much more normal! Entering the field of conjuring was a leap of faith, one we’re very glad we took. We have met many, many beautiful souls through the years and will continue to learn for the betterment of ourselves as well as those we work with, both human and spirit.

Please note, we are the only conjurers working in this shop! We are not affiliated with any other shop and all of our social media presences are Etsy, Discord, and our website ONLY as of writing this (2024) Anyone claiming to be us off of these sites are not us. We do not outsource our work or work with anyone who translates our listings.

We do not accept requests for refunds for ANY orders other than physical items that have not yet been shipped. Please understand that our time and energy is valuable to our work, and we hope that you value it as well. Thank you for understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this causes! When it comes to items that would need replacement, we can make exceptions! Please send us a photo if something breaks and we can send a replacement ASAP if we are able to, this will be one of the few exceptions we will provide a refund is if we cannot replace the item.

This will be approved on a case-by-case basis! If you have shopped with us before and paid in a timely manner, we’ll be happy to work with you on payment plans! Conjures and writeups will be available after your payment plan is complete, we will not provide anything beforehand. If you would like to set up a payment plan, we are available and will work with you as needed! Please note: You cannot receive a refund for payments made toward a payment plan, but we can absolutely pause for a month if you need us to!

Please feel free to reject a spirit you truly do not vibe with! While
we’d prefer to give them a chance, we 100% understand that not everyone will click, and we’d love to make sure we do right by you and know ahead of time before the companion comes home. We will reconjure up to 3 times but please, we ask that you respect our time and don’t have us conjure 3 different entities to choose between them, we’d far prefer not to have a companion’s emotions toyed with in that way. After a rejection, we give them the option to stay and go through vetting for another human companion or leave entirely so we may not be able to call them back if you change your mind.

After your purchase we conjure about 1-3 days afterwards, you are welcome to reach out at the 7-day mark to get an update! We do not provide updates ourselves, please reach out to us if you would like
an update on anything regarding your order. Standard vetting takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks, but this is subject to change based on the arts and temperament of your conjure (as well as other factors such as their obligations outside of companionship and status). We will vet for up to 6 months if needed but we will communicate in advance in this case.

Please keep in mind that your companion will not be visiting you without your express consent during the vetting process, and to be wary of presences or spirits that claim to be your companion. Vetting is a necessary component to conjuring that ensures that your companion is safe to work with, that they are who they say they are, as well as allowing us to collect as much information about them as we can to share with you that we learn over this time.

You will receive a full write-up that will include your companion's name, their race/spirit type and arts, a description of their physical appearance and personality, offerings that they prefer (and possibly some they refuse), as well as their preferred communication methods. More information may be provided at the discretion of the spirit. Should your companion fail vetting, you will be notified immediately with the option to re-conjure or receive a full refund.

Spirits and their human counterparts have full say in their binding with BRM as our binding is only meant to be a means to assist communication, not trap them. If a binding is damaged and broken, it doesn’t mean your companion will be gone forever, just that communication may be difficult, and we will be happy to repair it for free.

We are happy to unbind your companion for you for free, we would like to try to remedy a situation where possible, but there are times we understand that you know when it’s time to part ways. You should never feel as though you are “stuck” with a companion and your companion can unbind themselves at any point. After unbinding we will work with the spirit to see if they would be interested in companionship again or not. If they are still interested in companionship, we give them as much time as they desire until they are ready to go to a new companion. Spirits are free to leave our astral space at any time at any point in the process!