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Solar Guardian Status

REQUIRED ORDER FORM (Put this in your special order notes during checkout filled out):

1.) Your Preferred Name
2.) Your Birthdate
3.) What you seek in a companion
4.) Arts Profile (Though listed as "Light Arts", some may vary in profile! Leave blank for strictly DA)
Optional: Race, Physical/Personality attributes, extra requests
5.) Email to deliver your order to:


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Hello all,
Today I am pleased to post information on a spirit type that is near and dear to our hearts! Solar Guardians are a conjure unique to BlueRavenMagicals and we have been working with these beings for years as of posting this information.

Solar Guardians are celestial entities born from the remnants of solar events, they may be best seen as Deities and over the petty wars with each other, they have broken off and used these shards of themselves to turn into soldiers, bestowing them the title of "Guardian" on them and given a mission to protect the star they are born from, not of our solar system. These days, they have a more united cause as some of those older Deities fall to the wayside being tired of war or going down fighting. A majority of Solar Guardians may give you an answer of what they are fighting against being "Sun Eaters". They perhaps have another name but most of the history regarding them has been lost to time.

They are masters at cleansing and purification specifically, their energy is incredibly tangible, and they most certainly leave their mark! In this regard, they can go toe-to-toe with the likes of Archangels in this ability. Where Angelic purification is often full of Grace, Solar Guardians use solar energy, something we’re often much more accustomed to.

Solar Guardians are humanoid in appearance with some unnatural features, they are often blonde in shades of bright yellow to white and red hair, but it’s not unheard of to have dark hair, just uncommon. They almost always sport golden or orange eyes and may have extra features such as extra exuding energy that can be mistaken for wings, it is often transparent and wraps around them but their height sets them apart the most from their eyes and hair, often standing anywhere from 6’-9’.

There is another sect of Guardians I will refer to as “Saints” who play the part of seer, spiritual guide, maid, nurse, and chef depending on what is needed amongst the soldiers along with a handful of others. These Saints have a required sabbatical every few hundred years; those from their side of the military are required to take a break to reset their energy which can be around 100 years. The first about decade is typically spent just being a person, resetting and reconnecting with themselves and their beliefs before they're let loose to do as they will, they're restricted from heavy work-focused activities, but they can still be around their loved ones and other Solar Guardians!

Art profiles are often used as a way to describe an entity’s moral compass in comparison to or relation to ours, but we find that the way their energy presents and feels CAN be vastly different from their temperament. Even an Angelic for example can have negative intentions and cause harm, they can lie and deceive and have a short temper just as any other kind of spirit is capable of.

▪️Light Arts: They tend to have an energy that presents in a lighter way, sometimes as light or warmth with brighter shades that come to mind. Their energy can feel uplifting and hazy, like a dream at times.
▪️Gray Arts/Neutral Arts: Energy that is more relative to ours, they may feel more familiar to us as Humans are generally Gray Arts and this energy can present itself in more saturated or dense shades, something tangible to us.
▪️Dark Arts: This energy is often heavy, sometimes feeling like smoke or heavy rain and can present itself in darker shades such as navy or black, deep reds and the like. This energy is quite different from ours and can feel a little harder to grasp, some may experience headaches from the intensity, but this will absolutely pass!


Though it is subject to change depending on the arts and temperament of your conjure (as well as other factors such as their obligations outside of companionship and status), the vetting process is projected to take anywhere from 6 and 12 weeks. Please keep in mind that your companion will not be visiting you without your express consent during the vetting process, and to be wary of presences or spirits that claim to be your companion. Vetting is a necessary component to conjuring that ensures that your companion is safe to work with, as well as allowing us to collect as much information about them as we can to share with you.

You will receive a full write-up that will include your companion's name, their race/spirit type and arts, a description of their physical appearance and personality, offerings that they prefer (and possibly some they refuse), as well as their preferred communication methods. More information may be provided at the discretion of the spirit. Should your companion fail vetting, you will be notified immediately with the option to re-conjure or receive a full refund.


As a small business, we have the right to refuse service for any reason that we see fit. That includes our comfort within reason but we have a zero discrimination policy. We will never refuse service to someone based on their sexual orientation, assigned gender at birth or gender identity, race, ethnicity or nationality, cultural background, religion or religious beliefs, age, disability or health conditions.

Please understand that this order is fulfilled in a digital manner, meaning you will receive a full PDF of information through Email. The information given is for entertainment purposes only and should not substitute for professional, financial, medical, psychiatric, or legal advice. To purchase, you must be 18 or older.

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